Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My story is out in Analog

Today is the day that the September issue of Analog is out (or that was the date I was told a few months ago by the editors.) In it is my story, Hostile Environment, about a trio of teenagers, some thermite, and unexplained explosions. On Mars.

Okay, so it's not a snappy pitch. It's been a loooong day and my son didn't want to sleep last night. Maybe this will be more effective to get people interested. Here's the illustration I scored:

Isn't it fantastic? That's the work of Mark Evans, who's also done work for the A Game of Thrones game based on the book by George RR Martin. Head on over to his site to see! And yes, I did get his permission before I put this up.


  1. Cool! Congratulations! I will look into buying this issue for my Kindle PC app when it's available. :-)

  2. Oooh, Analog's on Kindle? What would I do without you, Melanie? (Well, maybe get caught up on my reading...)

  3. Diane B. - Boulder USAJune 22, 2011 at 1:30 PM

    CONGRATULATONS, Emily! Hope I can find this.

  4. Hi Diane! It's in any major bookstore. I need to dig through my files to figure out how many comps I have and where they're being mailed...

    Hope you guys are doing well!

  5. Not to sound repetitive but a big congrats on the publication of your story! I'll have to see if I can find Analog somewhere in Taiwan or maybe I'll just do the digital thing to read it. Again, congratulations!

  6. Oh, I don't mind the repetition! Hope you all are doing well? I don't remember if I sent you an invite to our latest family album in Picasa. I'm going to go check that now.

  7. Mark Evans did my first piece of interior art, for my novelette in the November 2010 issue. Big congrats on the story publication *AND* the beautiful interior art. Nice to be sharing an issue with you.

  8. Thanks, and yes, very nice to be in the same issue. I'm still working on getting a copy over here in London, but I look forward to reading it!

  9. Hi Emily, just read your story on Analog. Great read. Keep up the good work.

    What inspired to write it?

  10. Thanks very much! The explosion, and the idea of how it would leave no chemical trace was the original inspiration.
