Saturday, November 13, 2010

Jewelry Giveaway!

So, another symptom of my mental decline is that I meant to blog about the giveaway for my jewelry store yesterday, but when I actually sat down to blog, couldn't remember that. This kind of memory lapse often provokes other people to say, "Oh, that happens to me all the time! It's normal." Weeeeell... it may be common, but I have some serious doubts about it being "normal". When I get a healthy amount of sleep each night, it just doesn't happen. For the next couple of months, though, I'm sure to be scattered.

But yes, I'm doing four weekly giveaways from my jewelry store over the next four weeks. The drawing for the first one is on Monday. Enter any time up until midnight on Sunday GMT (5pm Mountain time, 7pm Eastern) by posting a comment on the status of my FB fan page, The prize is a pair of chain maille rosette earrings, you chose the color. Go to my jewelry store,, to see the options.

If your comment is posted after the deadline, I'll just enter you in the next week's drawing automatically. Each of these weeks I'll be asking a question on my FB fan page to do a little market research as I plan my new line of jewelry next year. As circumstance would have it, I'm not really able to take advantage of the holiday rush by getting my designs out in time for Christmas shopping. I'm trying to move what I have during this time, but will have to wait to launch new items until next year. Not the perfect timing business-wise, but we all have to make do with the situation we're in. Besides, I can't really complain. I have the incredible blessing of being able to have another child :-)

Head on over to the fan page to enter the giveaway!

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