Tuesday, January 12, 2016

LAUNCHED! Secrets of the Dragon Tomb by Patrick Samphire; Watch His Interview

A very exciting launch happened today, and no, I am not talking about my own book. What kind of egomaniac do you take me for? I'm obviously talking about Secrets of the Dragon Tomb by Patrick Samphire. This is a middle grade pulp adventure set in a British colony on Mars in the 1860's, with dinosaurs and dragons. Can you think of a more perfect book?!?! I didn't think so.

Lucky person that I am, I happen to know Patrick Samphire and he put up with me for an hour long Skype interview. In it we discuss not only this book, but his path to a writing career and his life in an all-writer household (he is married to Stephanie Burgis.)

So, first you probably want to go read Secrets of the Dragon Tomb, but once you've done that, come watch this interview. As always, if you click over to Youtube and expand the description, there are time stamp links that allow you to jump to the parts that interest you most.

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