I have been promising myself for the last month, at least, to blog about another talented cousin of mine, but life's been crazy. I'm not complaining; the support for my jewelry business has been amazing and I'm grateful for it. You can imagine how consumed I was with guilt when my very first jewelry sale went to said talented cousin, though, the very one I'd been intending to blog about.
Anyway, here I finally have a moment to try (and probably fail!) to do her justice. Tamye Messmer is my husband's first cousin and a professional photographer. She is based in Mesa, Arizona. Check out her website to see her style (though she's very versatile, so I suppose "styles" is more like it), rates and learn a little more about her. She also has a blog and a Facebook fan page. She and I also share the hobby of digital scrapbooking, and I can tell from parts of her site that we enjoy shopping at some of the same internet stores for art. Perhaps I've got good taste after all!
I love her work, and her services are affordable without being cheap (quality matters, after all). If you're in her area, I recommend her to you for high school senior pictures, weddings, family portraits, and any other event you want captured for your posterity.
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