Monday, April 16, 2012

George RR Martin, his Hugo nom, and that Saturday Night Live skit

I got to see my former writers groupmate, George RR Martin, at EasterCon just over a week ago. Of course he was very busy, but I did get to sit and catch up with him a little about our mutual friends back in New Mexico. It was very cool to hear that he's been nominated for a Hugo this year. Here's a short history of George and Hugo awards for the time that I've known him. I met George in 2001 when he was up for the Hugo for best novel in Philadelphia. J.K. Rowling won it and George posted a picture of himself with a sword and decapitated Harry Potter doll on his website. He's not a bitter person. It was all in good fun. Now, I don't think he's been nominated since. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

This year he's nominated though, and also nominated is James SA Corey. What is funny about this is that James SA Corey is actually two guys, Daniel Abraham (George's former student at Clarion West) and Ty Franck (George's personal assistant.) This is Ty's first novel, ever (or half a novel as the case may be.) So yes, after a lifetime of hard work and major accolades, George is up against his personal assistant who just got serious about writing a couple of years ago. How did George find Ty as a personal assistant? Well... er... that would be my fault. Ty was out visiting me and I introduced him to both George and Daniel. If, by some insane twist of fate, James SA Corey wins, I shudder to think what picture George will post on his blog then.

But the accolades keep coming for George. My parents emailed me Saturday just after Saturday Night Live aired this hilarious skit about Game of Thrones. Between that and the "Winter Is Coming" escutcheon and sword on Leonard and Sheldon's wall in The Big Bang Theory, I daresay George has achieved superstar status. It is very, very cool to see!


  1. That skit made me snort, and wonder if it weren't true after all. What does HBO stand for anyway, Heaving Boobs Organization?

    Now I have to go watch The Big Bang Theory, just to see the sword. *g*

    1. It stands for Home Box Office, dating back to the days when it was notable to be able to watch movies on your television. I'm quite confident, though, that George doesn't need help from a 13 year old boy. He also hasn't been on set this season; he's been writing instead.
